v3.8 [Nov 2, 2012]
Added support of ProMark 120 and ProMark 220
--Post-process engine using QUARK format
--Import RINEX 2.12 and RINEX 3.01 raw data files
--Kinematic bar initialization
--New Geoid models available online http://resources.ashtech.com/GEOIDS/
o OSGM02 for the Republic of Ireland
o OSGM02 for Northern Ireland
o Norway 2008
o NN2000 for Norway
o TRD2006 for Trondheim in Norway
o SWEN08 RH70 for Sweden
o SWEN08 RH2000 for Sweden
--Added coordinate system for Portugal Azores
--Restored old system POLAND/WGS 84/1992
--Updated RGP and IGS reference station lists
--Updated antenna database based on the latest NGS database
--Added LEICA in receiver database with same GLONASS biases as NOVATEL
--Rebranding from Ashtech to Spectra Precision
Resolved Problems/Improvements
--FNC 693: Land Survey report fails on Windows Vista (and Windows 7)
--FNC 2746: need to create Irish geoid which cover entirely Ireland
--FNC 2778: GNSS Internet download issue (mix up the day and month)
--FNC 2843: HRMS & VRMS have not the same value in GNSS Solutions and on the field
--FNC 2889: GNSS solutions with French OS (GNSS Solutions crashes when you open a job)
--FNC 2965: Fixed position with no SVs
--FNC 2979: GNSS statistics (Horz. and Vert. statistics not corresponding to the Baseline statistics)
--FNC 3038: GNSS Solutions failed to import RINEX files from Trimble VRS station
--ThBug00086830: Canopy trajectory is processed differently from different bases
--ThBug00086723: different residuals computed with V 3.71.1 and V 3.80.4
--ThBug00086822: Station position issue when downloaded Station data in a project with RGF93=ITRF93,1989,EURA
--ThBug00086803: measurements without restored full range from G-file by RDC lib
--ThBug00086725: vectors are not fixed with PM100/200 trajectory data
--ThBug00086745: float position got depending on station provider
--ThBug00086722: Import RINEX failed, no GLONASS L2 detected
--ThBug00086655: The LEICA receiver type is unknown in the list of various provider
--ThBug00086759: Sometime, the import of raw-data (atom), ID and antenna height are wrong
--ThBug00086720: No GLO L2 displayed
--ThBug00086653: Cannot download data (NMCU) from RGP network (ignore GLONASS bad data)
--ThBug00086488: Init bar is not reported in GNSS Solutions
--ThBug00086638: import of RINEX 3.01 NOK, never stops and make trouble on your computer
--ThBug00086637: no postprocessing using files RINEX 2.12 and 3.01 got with RINEX converter
--ThBug00086486: recorded Stop&Go file partially imported in GNSS Solutions
--ThBug00084575: Strange short dynamic occupation for static data if G-file is imported
ThBug00086510: Process dynamic are created with static rawdata, (1 per epoch)
--ThBug00085367: Help file contains Magellan name and site
--ThBug00086470: cannot import some files while it's possible with the previous version
--ThBug00086486: recorded Stop&Go file partially imported
--ThBug00086439: the antenna height doesn't appears when we import raw data file
--ThBug00085546: GNSS Solutions crashes when process the 3rd of 3 vector
--ThBug00085707: Hatanaka files decompressed by ACOMS cannot be imported
--ThBug00085429: Wrong antenna name when importing several G-Files
--ThBug00085492: Raw data RINEX 3.01 aren't downloaded through GSSS Solutions
--ThBug00083244: The s/w imports RINEX 2.11 only
--ThBug00085709: It is impossible to create a new reference station network on Windows 7
--ThBug00086227: GNSS Solutions does not work on PC equipped with Windows 7